Sunday, 15 October 2017

Some Ideas on Emotional Intelligence

Nowadays children and teenagers face a lot of challenges. They have to study hard to achieve good results at school. Besides, they have to meet their parents need. Being under constant pressure, students do not know how to deal with their emotions. They start talking back, arguing with parents and teachers, bullying other students. It is high time we started talking about their emotions during the lessons at school. We, teachers and parents, may help them to find a better choice thus improving both students' results and relationships with other peers, teachers and parents.
The teachers from José Luis Lopez Aranguren school in Madrid have tried a list of short videos that may help us in the lessons. After watching these short videos, all we need to do is to ask students the right questions at the right time.

Getting to know our emotions:


Social Skills:

Cooking in English

Hi, there!

Teacher Ana is sending best regards to all who enjoy cooking and learning English.

One of the ways to make learning easier and more fun is to ask students not only to learn new words but also use them in practice.

The aim of the following lesson:
Using a variety of words on food, students will be able to give the instructions of the recipe and record it in the process of making food.

Students should be pre-taught the words on food, equipment, grammar structures for giving instructions.

This is a fun activity as it helps students to learn new words, recipes. Not only that, it also provides with the opportunity to learn some skills (flip the omelette, make a film, etc.) and most importantly, it unites people. What else would make us closer if not the food that we have prepared together :)

Please, check the link to see the outcome of the task, which was set by teacher Ana from Jose Luis Lopez Aranguren school in Madrid.

Thursday, 5 October 2017


The issue of human rights have been very topical throughout the centuries. Politicians, philosophers or fighters for human rights have been discussing it for years. But can you imagine students publishing the book of human rights? The students from J.L. López Aranguren school worked very hard and prepared a very interesting issue. Here's what they say about their work:


Throughout the last academic year, in the subject “Ethical Values” from IES J.L. López Aranguren, we worked on the knowledge and understanding of Human Rights. We learned that these rights must be defended and developed in our laws. Research on the reality of these rights led us to discover the great contemporary ethical problems present in the world and in our lives.
It is a collaborative project, because all students in the subject of Ethical Values have participated in it, from 1st to 4th year. 

Know Human Rights and share the Book of Human Rights.

Click on this link to see how amazing it is! 

Tourist Hunting

Hi, there!
Nowadays when we speak about teaching, we cannot forget that we have to prepare our kids not for tests or final exams but for life. In this blog we are going to present you the skills that can be taught at school and be valuable for students' social life.
The teacher from José Luis López Aranguren school, which is in Fuenlabrada, Madrid, is more than happy to share one activity with our readers. Teacher Juan Manuel Palacios Somoza believes that children need to be educated socially. That is why he asks students to go to the centre of Madrid and find the tourists who would want to be interviewed by schoolchildren. It is a very useful activity for the children as it teaches not only English skills but also other skills, very important in our life. 
You are welcome to use this activity in your lessons.


Aims of this activity:
  1. To provide the students a natural context for practising and improving their speaking skills
  2. To show the students how practical and real is what they are learning in the English lessons.
  3. To  provide more class cohesion
I´ve been doing this activity for a long time. It´s amazing how students perception of the subject changes when they notice they can communicate with foreign people using what they are working in the school English lessons.
This is why it is better to organize this activity at the beginning of the first term. It makes the subject students perception to change and helps to provide more cohesion to the class group.

Before the excursion
  1. The whole group has to work the questions they are going to ask the tourists. There are two exercises in the appendix. After students have practiced the pronunciation and they know the meaning of the questions they have to memorize a list of 30 questions. (appendix 1)
  2. Divide the group into smaller groups of 4 or 5 students. Each student of the group has to ask 5 or 6 questions to the tourist. If it is a high level group, questions can be asked by only 2 students.
In the excursion
  1. When the students get to the meeting point (Oriente café corner), they are told to start the activity with their group. No more than 5 or 6 students per group.  Bigger groups can frighten the tourists. After greeting the tourists in a very polite way, two students of each group conduct the interview. Lower level students can distribute 5 questions for students in order to help them to participate in this activity.
  2. Two students are responsible for recording the interviews.
  3. When students are in the place they have to conduct the interviews, they walk around looking for tourists to record as many interviews as they can.
After the excursion
  1. Students have to edit the video using the easiest questions and answers to be understood.
  2. Students have to transform the second person questions and answers into third person questions and answers in order to make a multiple choice exercise
Example: Where are you from? I´m from London.
                  Where is he/she from?
                   He/she is from      -New York /Liverpool /London.
3. Students watch the videos and underline the right option in the multiple choice exercise their classmates have prepared.